The parts of the body many women are concerned about after childbearing are the skin of the abdomen, changes to the shape and size of their breasts, and fatty deposits through the hip and thigh area. Duet Plastic Surgery offers a variety of procedures to address these areas of concern and help rejuvenate your body after baby.
The physical effects of childbearing and nursing can profoundly change a woman’s body in ways that diet and exercise cannot always reverse. To make matters more challenging for mothers, our instinct to care for our families often takes priority over our own needs. As women plastic surgeons, we have a special interest in helping Bay Area mothers restore their bodies and their self-confidence after having babies.
Because Dr. Lim and Dr. Weintraub operate together as a team, we are able to safely offer combined procedures, as is commonly done for our "mommy makeover" patients. Having two skilled and experienced surgeons working with you during your surgery allows you to spend less time under general anesthesia. One plastic surgeon working alone may require 8-10 hours to perform 2-3 combined procedures and may not feel comfortable working that long or keeping patients under anesthesia for such an extended period.
A truly unique benefit of choosing Duet: one surgery (and one recovery) to address all of your concerns, not only safely and efficiently, but excellently. Many of our "body after baby" patients choose to combine a breast procedure (like augmentation, reduction or lift, lift with implants) with a tummy procedure (abdominoplasty, "mini"-abdominoplasty), and/or liposuction (arms, back, abdomen, hips/flanks, thighs). We are typically able to perform these transformations in 4-6 hours or less. Our patients are happy to reduce the amount of time under anesthesia, minimize their recovery time and time away from work and family, and enjoy their results.
Up to 90% of women will develop stretch marks from pregnancy. Technically known as "striae gravidarium," stretch marks pose no physical harm, but can be quite distressing aesthetically.
Most stretch marks appear on the lower abdomen, but also frequently occur on the breasts, hips and thighs. Stretch marks appear when the deeper layer of skin known as the dermis stretches beyond its capacity, creating small tears, leading to linear scarring.
Women frequently wonder what, if anything, can be done to diminish their stretch marks. While many products claim to prevent or diminish stretch marks, unless a product penetrates the deeper layers of skin, it will not have a dramatic effect. While there is some evidence that topical retinoids (i.e., Retin-A) may reduce the appearance of stretch marks, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, and not advised to be used during breast-feeding.
Microneedling is a new technique that can induce collagen formation, which can improve the appearance of stretch marks. A series of treatments spaced out over a few months can make a significant difference in the quality of the skin. At Duet, we use the SkinPen in a comfortable, in-office procedure to help patients improve the look of striae after pregnancy.
Otherwise, the most effective treatment for stretch mark removal is direct excision of the scarring. Stretch marks that appear on the lower abdomen are often associated with extra, loose skin. Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, can remove the extra abdominal skin, and often most of the stretch marks, while tightening the abdominal muscles.
One of the primary areas of a woman's body affected by childbearing is the abdomen, both the skin and the muscles.
Pregnancy not only necessitates expansion of the abdominal skin, but also causes the abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominus muscle, i.e., the "6-pack" muscle, to stretch. In some cases, the muscle actually separates in the midline in order to accommodate the growing baby. These changes are caused not only by the expanding uterus pressing against the abdominal wall, but also by the pregnancy hormones that cause tissue to relax. Many women find that no amount of exercise seems to help shrink the belly skin or bring tone back to their muscles.
Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is a dramatic procedure that removes excess skin, stretch marks and fat from the belly, flattening it and improving its contour. A muscle-tightening component is often added to tummy tuck surgery to narrow the waistline. Liposuction is added when appropriate to further sculpt the abdomen and flanks.
Breast augmentation with either saline- or silicone-filled implants can restore the lost volume to the breasts and lift the breasts to a more natural, youthful position..
Many women enjoy an increase in the size of their breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but the breasts are often left with a drooping, deflated appearance afterward. Breast augmentation with either saline- or silicone-filled implants can restore the lost volume to the breasts and lift the breasts to a more natural, youthful position. In some cases, an additional breast lift may be required to fully correct drooping breasts. During your consultation, Dr. Lim and Dr. Weintraub will discuss the details of these procedures and help you determine what approach is best for you.
Even with a focused exercise routine, many mothers find that their figures never quite return to their pre-pregnancy shape.
It is common for women to notice areas of fullness in the abdomen, hip and thigh areas after pregnancy that are resistant to toning with exercise. Localized areas of fat, particularly in the thighs, hips, upper arms and belly respond well to liposuction. Liposuction is used for body contouring, not for significant weight loss. Liposuction can be done alone or can be combined with other contouring procedures to help restore your pre-pregnancy figure.
Fat transfer can be a great way to take advantage of your own body’s resources. Fat removed during liposuction from an area that feels overly full can be carefully processed and transferred to an area that could benefit from some restoration of volume. Popular areas for fat grafting include hollows at the hips (where underwear/bikinis create a dent), the buttocks (also known as the Brazilian butt lift), and even very small amounts to the lips or cheeks.
Women's Health
Labiaplasty can improve a woman's comfort and confidence.
After delivering a baby, the labia can become a source of discomfort due to the hormonal shifts of pregnancy and the "fourth trimester" that follows. New stretching, sagging, and asymmetry can create difficulty with daily hygiene and even simple activities like sitting or walking. Self-consciousness about the size or appearance of the labia can also affect a woman's self-confidence and healthy sexual drive.
For many women, addressing the changes in their labia is not simply a cosmetic issue, but a functional one. At Duet Plastic Surgery, we provide a comfortable environment for patients to discuss their most intimate concerns one-to-one, woman-to-woman. Labiaplasty can be a straightforward surgical solution for improving how you look and feel.
Our Results
“Dr. Weintraub is a masterful plastic surgeon. One of her specialties is ‘Mommy Makeovers.’ As a new mother herself she understands that a few little touch ups after a couple of children can really boost a mother’s self-image. ”
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